If you are looking to troubleshoot one of your Ls Mt125 Tractors problems, then you are in the right place. This article will discuss the most common Ls Mt125 Tractors problems and their probable solution.
This article will not only help you fix any issue but also prevent some that you may encounter in the future while operating a tractor since all tractors are prone to mechanical failure due to aging or overhead, no matter what company backs them.
Therefore, knowing what you need to do to fix any solution will keep you ahead and save you time and money. Since repairing a tractor can be expensive and more costly if you need to replace any part, I suggest you learn this information and troubleshoot any issue before calling the mechanic.
5 Ls Mt125 Tractors Problems
Ls Mt125 Tractors Pto Problems
Ls Mt125 Tractors users have frequently reported issues in their PTO clutch. If your Ls Mt125 Tractors PTO clutch is not engaging or disengaging as it should be, here is what you need to do. We will first discuss the type of problem and its possible causes to learn what you should do to fix it.
PTO Clutch Won’t Engage.
Check for faulty control wiring if your Ls Mt125 Tractors PTO clutch is not engaging correctly. Your PTO clutch has signs of wear and tear and requires replacement. If the PTO clutch needs replacement, do it.
Other than this broken PTO belt or a faulty PTO switch may also cause the Ls Mt125 Tractors PTO clutch to malfunction. Never mind replacing or repairing any damaged component as necessary to solve this issue.
Sometimes you hear loud, Chunky noises when you engage the PTO switch. It can be caused due to a worn-out PTO belt that needs replacement. Depending on the issue, you should address and fix the problem. If there is any issue with the PTO clutch, it will also fail to engage.
PTO Clutch Slips
Some users have reported their Ls Mt125 Tractors PTO clutch slipping more often than usual. It can be easily solved by replacing the clutch. However, if the PTO belt needs any tightening, do it.
Sometimes the PTO clutch slips if there is any problem with the gears. Suppose the equipment has any sign of damage; repair or replace it as necessary. The solution to the PTO clutch slip problem can be as simple as repairing the PTO belt clutch or any faulty internal gear.
PTO Clutch Makes Noise
If your Ls Mt125 Tractors PTO clutch is emitting loud noise, there could be a problem with your clutch internal gear. In most cases, a worn-out bearing or damaged clutch emits noises. Faulty equipment and approaches also cause the PTO clutch to make noise. Depending on your problem and symptoms, you should look for a solution if the bearing is worn out, repair or replace it.
Ls Mt125 Tractors Transmission Problems
Sudden Loss Of Power
If there is a sudden loss of power to the Ls Mt125, it could be due to transmission issues. Your Ls Mt125 Tractors usually encounter transmission loss of control when moving if there is low transmission oil.
If this is the case, restore the adequate fuel to the full mark using the dipstick. Also, look for any damaged internal gear or worn-out transmission pump that needs replacement. Sometimes you face difficulty in accelerating or moving the Ls Mt125. Never mind repairing or replacing any damaged component as necessary.
Hard Shifting
If the Ls Mt125 Tractors are tough to shift, there might be a problem with your Ls Mt125 Tractors transmission. The most common sign of news being hard to move is clunking noise.
Therefore, if you hear any clunking noise when shifting, there could be a Malfunctioning shift solenoid that needs replacement. Sometimes you face difficulty moving when the transmission malfunctions due to low fuel quantity.
You will also encounter transmission problems if there is any leakage in its component. Therefore, you should check whether the seals are correctly seated and tight. If it is loose or worn out, repair or replace it as necessary.
Sometimes loose fitting also causes fuel leakage problems in the transmission system. If this is the case, address those issues. If there is any puddle of Transmission fluid, there is a leakage you need to repair.
Locating the exact spot of leakage can be very difficult for any newbie. If this is the case, you will need to contact the mechanic, who can help you to diagnose your Ls Mt125 Tractors transmission properly.
Ls Mt125 Tractors Steering Problems
Many factors can be in play if you experience steering problems in an Ls Mt125. The most common cause of Ls Mt125 Tractors steering problems tends to be stuck for an object in its sharing column linkage or steering system.
Sometimes you run your Ls Mt125 Tractors to hit a foreign thing while operating. In this case, there will be excessive strain and stress on your Ls Mt125 Tractors steering system. Sometimes, the steering problem can also be caused due to aging or overuse.
Always check for wear and tear in your Ls Mt125 Tractors steering system and its components, like the steering column, steering linkage, steering controls, and more.
If you have encountered a steering problem with an Ls Mt125, it can be fixed on your own if you have some basic information and some experience with repairing any vehicle. If the bolts are not fitted properly, make sure to retighten them.
If the gear in the steering box is sleeping, that allows the steering to play a lot to replace it. Sometimes you need to realign the steering wheel of your Ls Mt125 Tractors and tighten the bolts back into their place to solve the issue.
If this is the case, never mind losing the nut that holds the Ls Mt125 Tractors ball joint and popping it back into place before retightening it again. Below is the best way to care for your Ls Mt125 Tractors and prevent future steering problems.
Taking care of your Ls Mt125 Tractors steering is essential to prevent any issues while driving. Conducting an Ls Mt125 Tractors carefully and watchfully to keep your tractor exposed to the elements that may cause damage is crucial.
Avoid making short turns or hitting any foreign object while operating an Ls Mt125. If your Ls Mt125 Tractors is not in use, keep it in a secure garage or storage shed where it will not be exposed to any element or weather changes.
Leaving your Ls Mt125 Tractors outside in the rainy season will allow moisture to penetrate your Ls Mt125 Tractors steering component and escalate the wearing process to rust. Avoid exposing the rubber parts of your Ls Mt125 Tractors steering component to cold and heat extremes to avoid any cracking or drying out.
Ls Mt125 Tractors Not Charging Battery.
If your Ls Mt125 Tractors need to be charging the Battery properly, there can be a faulty charging system or a worn-out Battery. Sometimes a loose connection or carbon buildup on the terminals causes the issue. Below are a few common causes of Ls Mt125 not charging the Battery properly, along with its solution.
Faulty Charging System: A Ls Mt125 Tractors’ battery will only charge appropriately if the charger has gone right. Look for signs of wear and tear on the charger itself. If the charger needs replacing, do it.
Faulty Battery: since a deteriorated battery can never hold a charge, you will need to replace it. If a defective battery is a cause of the Ls Mt125 Tractors not charging correctly, you should change it immediately.
Loose Connections: If the connection between your Ls Mt125 Tractors charging system and the Battery is loose or worn out, there won’t be enough voltage to charge the Battery. I recommend you first check for loose connections and retighten them. If it has any signs of damage, replace that connection right away.
Damaged Charging Circuit: if the Charging circuit has gone faulty, enough voltage won’t reach the Battery to charge it properly. In this case, you should replace the damaged charging circuit.
Carbon Buildup On Battery Terminals: If there is any carbon buildup on the battery terminals, you might have to clean it thoroughly and then try charging it again. If it’s not set, you might have to change the battery terminals or the entire Battery.
Ls Mt125 Tractors Won’t Start.
If your Ls Mt125 Tractors is not starting, many factors and causes exist. First of all, check if the spark plug is damaged or not. Sometimes spark plug gets clogged and prevents an Ls Mt125 Tractors engine from starting.
If the spark plug is clogged, clean it. Sometimes a worn-out spark plug needs a complete replacement, and in that case, to replace it. Another potential cause of Ls Mt125 needing to start correctly is an empty gas tank.
If this is the case, the issue will need to restore the proper amount of fresh high-end fuel less than 30 days old up to the full mark using the dipstick. Sometimes the problem can also be caused due to a restriction in the air filter.
If the air filter is clogged, there will not be enough air in your Ls Mt125 Tractors to start the engine. You should also check for any signs of a faulty battery. A defective battery can also prevent your Ls Mt125 Tractors from creating correctly.
Make sure also to review its entire charging system. If there is any problem with the engine itself, your Ls Mt125 Tractors may not start.
Since a machine is a very complex component and finding the actual cause in it can be very time-consuming and audio, I recommend you to call the mechanic first. Professionals can diagnose and fix engine-related issues in your Ls Mt125 Tractors to get it working again soon.
Even though an Ls Mt125 Tractor has many problems, with proper care and maintenance, you can prevent many of those. All tractors, including Ls Mt125, are expected to have some issues along with their lifespan and operation.
If your Ls Mt125 Tractors is old, you may encounter some problems mentioned in this article. I tried my best to give you all the information needed to fix any issue with your Ls Mt125 Tractors. Suppose you have basic knowledge and some experience setting up any vehicle.
In that case, you can quickly fix common problems with your Ls Mt125 Tractors without any primary tool with the help of this guide and user manual. Check our other helpful guide on different Ls Mt125 Tractors model problems.
If you like this article, then continue sharing it. Your share will make people aware of the common issues they will encounter in the future. Even though the Ls Mt125 Tractors has a few problems, most of them can be fixed quickly and are less prone to issues than its competitor.
If you are thinking of having a tractor that can keep your lawn maintenance like a piece of cake m, this is the one to have. See you in the next post. Till then, take care and goodbye.

I’m David man behind Lawn Mowerly; I’ve been dealing with lawnmowers and Tractors with my father since I was a kid. I know every make and model and what each one is capable of and love helping people find the perfect lawn mower for their needs.