Are you thinking about buying a Kubota B7800 tractor? You might want to think twice before making your purchase.
There have been several reports of serious problems with this tractor model, including engine trouble and transmission issues.
In this blog post, we’ll look at some of the most common Kubota B7800 problems and see if they’re something you should be worried about.
Kubota B7800 Problems
1. Hard Steering
Like any machine, the Kubota B7800 tractor will occasionally have problems. One common issue is hard steering, which can be caused by air in the hydraulic steering system. The best way to fix this is to bleed the system of air.
Another potential cause of hard steering is a clogged steering filter element. If this is the case, the element will need to be changed.
Another possible cause of hard steering is low steering oil levels. If this is the problem, simply fill up the steering oil to the required level.
Hard steering can also be caused by damage or wear to the steering control valve. Inspect and change as required.
Sometimes, hard steering is caused by faulty or worn parts in the steering box. In this case, defective components of the power steering box will need to be replaced.
Finally, hard steering can be caused by a faulty or stuck pump flow control valve. Replace or service control valve as necessary.
Worn or incorrectly fitted steering columns can also cause hard steering. Replace the steering column or refit it correctly if this is the problem.
Unevenly worn front tyres can also cause hard steering.
Install new tyres if this is the case. Finally, incorrect toe-in can also lead to hard steering.
Adjust toe-in wheels as necessary to fix this problem.
2. Engine Overheats
An overheating engine is one of the most common Kubota B7800 problems. If your engine is emitting more heat than usual, there are a few things you can do to fix the problem.
First, you can try to cut down on the load or shift the excess burden to the lower gear.
This will help to ease the strain on your engine and prevent it from overheating. You should also check the coolant system to make sure it is working properly.
The coolant system helps to cool the engine and prevent it from overheating. If there is anything wrong with the coolant system, you should fix it or replace it with a better part.
3. Emits Black Smoke
If your Kubota B7800 starts emitting black smoke, it’s important to take action quickly. Black smoke is not only hazardous for the mower’s condition, but also for the environment.
The likely cause of this problem is a broken piston ring.
Piston rings are essential for preventing engine oil from flowing into the combustion chamber. If the oil is allowed to enter the chamber, it will be burned along with the fuel, creating unwanted black smoke.
Replacing the piston ring is the best way to resolve this issue. In most cases, this can be done relatively easily and without too much expense.
However, if you don’t feel comfortable completing the repair yourself, you can always take it to a qualified mechanic.
4. Engine Noises
If you’re noticing engine noise or knocking on your Kubota B7800, there are a few potential causes. First, make sure that the engine is fully warmed up. If it’s not, low engine oil levels could be to blame.
Be sure to check the oil level and add more if necessary.
If the issue persists, it’s possible that the fuel injection pump timing is off. Check the owner’s manual for instructions on how to properly set the timing.
It’s also possible that worn or scored pistons are causing the issue. In this case, you’ll need to install new pistons.
Finally, check the connecting rod to make sure it’s properly aligned and not worn. If necessary, replace or align the connecting rod.
5. Transmission Noises
One common issue is excessive hydrostatic transmission noise. This can be caused by a number of factors, including a bent or unadjusted speed control pedal linkage.
The solution is to repair or adjust the linkage.
Another possible cause of excessive transmission noise is excessive transmission load. This can be remedied by reducing the transmission load.
If the transmission oil is contaminated or the oil level is insufficient, this can also cause excessive noise.
The solution is to fill the transmission to the required level or change the oil. Relief valve failure can also cause excessive noise.
The solution is to replace the valve. Finally, worn or defective transmission components can also cause noise.
After disassembling and inspection, change any defective components.
6. Losing Power
Another common issue with Kubota B7800 is losing power, which can be caused by a low fluid level. Adding transmission fluid may resolve the issue.
Another problem that can occur is damage to the relief valve.
This can cause the tractor to lose hydraulic pressure, making it difficult to operate. Replacing the relief valve should solve the problem.
Finally, the speed control linkage can become worn or unadjusted over time. This can cause the tractor to lose speed or power unexpectedly.
Adjusting or replacing the linkage should fix the issue.
7. Hitch Dropping Slow
Many Kubota B7800 owners have experienced problems with their hitch dropping slow or hydraulic cylinder failure.
In order to fix these issues, a new hydraulic cylinder may need to be installed or the existing one may need to be repaired.
Sometimes, the problem can be as simple as an incorrectly adjusted hydraulic control valve. If this is the case, then the valve will need to be adjusted correctly.
Other times, the problem may be a damaged lift arm shaft. If this is the case, then the shaft will need to be changed.
Lastly, if the 3-point hitch is out of adjustment, it will need to be adjusted as required.
8. Battery Doesn’t Charge
Some people are facing an issue that the battery does not charge. This can be caused by several things, including corroded or loose electrical wire connections.
If the connections are loose, you will need to tighten them.
If they are corroded, you may need to clean them or replace them entirely. Another possible cause is that the battery terminal clamps are defective. In this case, you will need to replace the clamps.
Finally, the problem could be caused by a faulty cell in the battery. If this is the case, you will need to install a new battery.
If your Kubota B7800 is having trouble charging, these are a few possible causes that you should check.
What Do Customers Say About Kubota B7800?
Based on the reviews we’ve seen, customers are very pleased with their Kubota B7800 purchase.
One customer said it was an excellent value for the price, and another called it a “workhorse” that is perfect for small farms or acreages.
Some reviewers cautioned that the machine is not as powerful as some of the larger models in Kubota’s lineup, but overall they were still very happy with its performance.
Another customer mentioned that the B7800 is very easy to operate and maintain, which makes it a great choice for first-time tractor buyers.
Overall, it seems that the Kubota B7800 is a great option for those looking for a reliable and affordable tractor.
What Year was the Kubota B7800 Made?
The Kubota B7800 was produced from 2003 to 2008. It was a popular model, known for its reliability and durability.
However, it was also expensive, which made it less attractive to budget-conscious people.
How Much Oil Does Kubota B7800 Take?
The Kubota B7800 tractor uses 4.1L of oil. Make sure to check your oil level regularly and top off as needed to keep your tractor running smoothly.
How Often Do You Service Kubota B7800?
To keep your Kubota running smoothly, it is important to service it regularly.
The engine oil and filters should be changed every 200 hours, while the transmission fluid and hydraulic oil filters only need to be checked every 300 hours after the initial check.
By servicing your tractor regularly, you can avoid major problems down the road and keep it running like new.
Kubota B7800 problems are not as common as one might think. However, when they do occur, they can be quite serious and expensive to fix. The most common problem with the Kubota B7800 is engine trouble.
This can include anything from oil leaks to blown head gaskets. While Kubota B7800 problems are not overly common, they can still be quite a hassle to deal with.
If you do find yourself having to deal with any of these issues, it is important to take care of them as soon as possible to avoid further damage or unnecessary repairs.
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I’m David man behind Lawn Mowerly; I’ve been dealing with lawnmowers and Tractors with my father since I was a kid. I know every make and model and what each one is capable of and love helping people find the perfect lawn mower for their needs.