Exmark and Toro are excellent mower machines that come at less or more the same price. Yet, if you go into both the companies’ details, you will find some tricky differences. This article will focus on the primary difference between Exmark vs Toro.
Exmarks are very popular in the market for their incredible maneuverability and high power-cutting performance that is done within a short period. On the other hand, Toros also have a productive environment, friendly but innovative mowers, excellent features, and efficient experience.
Therefore in this article, let’s take a quick type into everything by highlighting the tricky but exact differences between Exmark Vs Toro. Thus, this article will help you figure out which is better “Exmark Vs Toro” for your lawn to keep it like a breeze.
Exmark Vs. Toro: Who’s better?
If you are looking for a reasonably priced mower, exceptional cutting quality, and bagging with long-term functionality, go with an Exmark. Exmark is also known for providing top-notch types of machinery standard engines.
The only downside of having a mower of an Exmark is its uncomfortable height adjuster and less upgraded specs. On the other hand, Toros are known for their excellent razor-sharp cutting instrument. Even though they’re expensive compared to other contrary companies, they provide athletic deck quality and elegant design.
If you want a premium quality suitable for commercial use, go for a Toro loaded with Trent-related technology. The only downside of getting a Toro mower is its price tag. Now, take a quick look at both companies manufacturing processes.
Exmark Vs Toro: Manufacturing
Toro Manufacturing
Most people think Toros are a small company, but it’s not. They design most of their products in the Minneapolis facility. They build their engine in China on a large scale and later distribute its motor and other parts worldwide.
People, including people living in manufacturing hubs across America, assemble those components into the Toro lawn mower we buy.
Exmark Engines Manufacturing
Even though the Toro comes with the overhead valve in its lineup, much of its design and functionality are high quality. When it comes to standards, their parts and assembly are entirely branded.
Even though their engines are manufactured in China to keep the production cost low and cut quality, problems may arise with it. Any products from China usually come with poor quality longevity. Workers are so well trained that they know how these standard components should be assembled to produce a finished mower.
However, sometimes it can also spell trouble for some. At least the design provided by Exmark is correct at least. Their mowers are also built with the same quality and even better than most of the mower engines currently available. Manufacturing units are an issue; you don’t have to worry a lot because almost 50%+ of the world’s manufacturing is done in China. Now its time to look at Exmark Vs Toro costs
Exmark Vs Toro: Price
Both Exmark & Toro offer different ranges of mowers that vary in price. You can find their products in highly affordable to quite expensive fields. Most low-model Exmark Toros will work well but may not be as durable as their premium lineup.
If you have a low-cost model, you may miss essential and trending features and new technology. If you go with the more expensive model, it will have more robust and larger engines with all the trending features right now, which you should benefit from. Let’s take a quick look at both companies’ product lines rising. let’s check Exmark Vs Toro pricing in depth.
Exmark Price
As we all know, Exmarks are known to produce a large number of mowers of different sizes and shapes; the price will also vary. The price is determined depending on the performance and the features of the Exmark.
The cost of a mower either makes a model accessible or not. Depending upon the size, it always bends towards its usefulness. There are several factors that you need to determine before you get an Exmark mower.
You first need to consider the lawn size you need to use the mower. It would help if you chose a mower depending on the landscape grass and its volume. Most of the zero-turn mowers in the quest series range of Exmarks start from &2999 to $3999.
Talking about the radius range series, it starts from $4799 to $8399. Other than this, if you are looke a premium one like the laser z or navigator series, those begin from $9488 onward. And also goes up to $21499.
Lastly, another product lineup like commercial 21, 30, metro, Vikings, & turf races series coming from the walk-behind mowers starts at $1099 and ends at $8999. If you get a staris series, the price range will start from $7399 to $10,399. If you are looking for unique features in this category, those starts from $8799 to $22399.
Toro Price
At least a Toro is cheaper than an Exmark. A Toro mower can cost you at least $499 for its base model. If you are looking for a high-wheel mower with vortex technology to help you with a better cut, you can go with the Toro models.
Most of their models are self-propelled. Toros also have those varieties if you are inclined toward powerful electric motors. They also offer a few higher-end models, including a time master personal pace with an electric start and a big gas tank.
The blades that spin stop will help your Exmark adjust its speed automatically. However, they can be as high as $1600 but less compared to the product lines of Exmarks. Let’s move to next Exmark Vs Toro: variety
Exmark Vs Toro: Variety
Toro Variety
Talking about variety, the Toro comes with a vast selection of types. Among top products, you can choose between push and self-propelled models. They also have a full product line of electric lawnmowers if you want to reduce your carbon footprint.
It is better to eliminate gasoline needs, at least for nature. Most Toro’s use vortex technology that helps utilize more air flow to trim the grass as you cut. Therefore if you are looking for a superior cut at a faster rate, a Toro product lineup is the one to look at.
Their product lineup also features self-adjusting features. Therefore you don’t need to adjust the self-propelled mowers using knobs or handles.
Amazingly, they also offer a few mower models with a recycler cutting system that will slice all grass clippings into tiny pieces to add nutrients to the lawn, making it look cleaner and luster.
Their electric motors will also help you reduce the carbon footprint and eliminate the need. If you are looking for a mower that can hold a charge for a more extended period and comes with superior power without fuss, a Toro product is the one to look at.
Exmark Variety
Overall, Exmarks shine over most of its competitors and are competing directly with John Deere with few of their mower quality. Most of their models and tools come with advanced features and a high price range.
Regarding cutting area, models provided by the mower deck can vary and make Exmark a perfect sense of choice in front of its competitor. If you are looking for a mower that offers you a more comprehensive range of options, the Exmark has all those.
Exmark mowers are coupled with the size of mowing decks and the ability to work in most cutting areas where it is hard to reach or cut with standard or traditional movers. When you look at the available sizes between the two brands, an Exmark is a clear-cut winner again because of its varying deck size.
Therefore, if you are looking for a tailor mower for your needs, you can also go with an Exmark. Even though both the brands “Exmark Vs Toro” have pros and cons, variety is a clear advantage on the Exmark side.
Exmark Vs Toro: I will give you all the information regarding the difference between an Exmark and a Toro. I hope you are one step closer to your decision between these two popular brands of mowers. An Exmark is a perfect fit if you are looking for a diverse model, choices, and selection.
If you are looking for a premium product, an Exmark will consistently outperform a Toro. Both are known for their longer-lasting products and offer longitude with better customer service. Even though a premium isn’t always liquid to better, it usually lasts longer.
After knowing the difference between the companies Exmark Vs Toro, it depends on your choice. All the quality machines available from both companies will give you an excellent bank for your money. Make sure to keep your mower on regular maintenance and proper care to keep it operating for a long time.
If you like this article, consider sharing it. Your share will help many people become aware of the differences and features between both brands. Do check our other helpful guides in other companies’ mower comparison guides. Till then, take care and goodbye. Also Read, John Deere 100 Vs 200 Series: 5 Key Differences

I’m David man behind Lawn Mowerly; I’ve been dealing with lawnmowers and Tractors with my father since I was a kid. I know every make and model and what each one is capable of and love helping people find the perfect lawn mower for their needs.